Tickets and Fines

Tickets and Fines

If you have received a ticket issued by the City of Port Alberni, you have several payment options:

ONLINE:  Want to pay online? Click here.
MAIL:  Cheque or Money Order, payable to City of Port Alberni:
4850 Argyle Street
Port Alberni, BC
V9Y 1V8
IN PERSON:  Port Alberni City Hall, 4850 Argyle Street, Port Alberni, BC V9Y 1V8
In Person - Monday to Friday between 8:30 am - 4:30 pm  Map
MAIL SLOT  DEPOSIT:  Deposit in our Mail Slot at City Hall

Disputing a Bylaw Notice Ticket:

To Dispute a Bylaw Notice Ticket:

Bylaw Notice Tickets must be disputed as follows:

Bylaw Notice Ticket Dispute Process:

  • After submitting a Bylaw Notice Ticket Dispute Form, a Screening Officer will contact you to discuss the alleged violation. This is an opportunity for you to state why you wish to dispute the ticket.
  • The Screening Officer will then carefully determine if your ticket will be upheld or cancelled.
    • If upheld, you are required to pay the set fine amount or choose to further dispute through an Adjudication Hearing.
    • If cancelled, no further action is required on your part.

Please visit the links below for information about specific fines or tickets issued by the City of Port Alberni.